Display products as they are used
In our industry more than most, there are a subset of customers that do not want to ask questions. They may be comfortable to ask about new strains or concentrates, but when it comes to different devices, they may prefer not to ask questions or draw attention to what they do not know. We have a blog about rigs that breaks down some different items such as bubble caps and dabbers that all work together for the best experience. One suggestion we have is to display these products together as they are used together. So when displaying a rig, have a dabber, bucket and bubble cap all sitting next to each other. This can create a package purchase or maybe your patient does not have one of those items because they did not know what it was. This can lead to them having a much better smoking experience!
That being said, joint holders are another great example of having to display in a simulated use to catch peoples attention. Take an empty pre roll joint and put it in the end of the joint holder so that your customers can see how the device works.